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2015年4月21日,王跃进校长一行应邀再次拜访特拉夫斯城教育局局长Paul A. Soma先生和分管国际交流的副局长Joe L. Tibaldi先生。双方在会谈中对目前的合作给予了充分的肯定,并分别表示希望合作可以更长期有效的进行下去。同时,为了能够更好地培养出优秀的国际化人才,双方在短期师生互访,长期学生交流;AP教师培训;课程设置和学分认证等五个方面深入交换了意见。

Paul A. Soma先生称:大连理工大学附属高中打开了特拉夫斯城教育的大门,他深切地希望能有更多的中国学生走进特拉夫斯城,同时,也能有更多的特拉夫斯城的学生出去看看。






Principal Wang Visited Mr. Soma, the Superintendent of Traverse City

On April 21th Principal Wang and his delegation were invited to visit Mr. Paul A, Soma, the Superintendent of Traverse City and the Assistant Superintendent Mr. Joe L. Tibaldi. During the dialogue, the two parties appreciated the good cooperation and hoped to further the good partnership in the long run. Meanwhile, in order to develop more global talents, the two parties exchanged ideas on students and faculty exchange program, long-term students exchange, AP teachers training, course and credits accreditation.

Mr. Soma said that our school opened a door to Traverse City education and sincerely hoped that they could receive more Chinese students to Traverse City. Meanwhile he hoped that more students from Traverse City could go out to visit. This was the second visit to The Education Department of Traverse City after singing the successful agreement in 2012, which symbolized the deep understanding between Chinese and American culture and also further globalization. The great agreement opened a new era to our school committed to global education and the development of double-diploma program.


版权所有:大连理工大学附属高中  地址:中国·辽宁省大连市高新园区软件园路燕南街燕南园20A  邮编:116024
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